Complete Services For Your Event

Lighting Design
Basic static setups, multiple movers, gobos and interactive systems.

Video Capture
Present and capture your speakers on multiple screens.

Audio Support
We support a wide range of needs, including speaker support, live music, webcasting and capture.

A beautiful way to present powerful images to your audience.

Video Mapping
Turn objects such as walls, cubes and other scenic staging elements into a display surface for video projection.

Video Blending
Create large format videos and merge live images with prerecorded imagery for a stunning effect.

Assisted Listening Devices
Ideal for helping hearing-impaired individuals stay involved in the exchange ideas.

Translation/ Interpretation
Enhance the experience of international attendees by offering in-depth translation services.

Teleprompter Services
Our techs will help keep your high profile speakers at ease and on point.

When a VIP or presenter cannot attend in person, this can make it happen.

Audience Response
Take live audience polls or conduct attendee surveys with instant feedback.

Keep remote attendees and presenters involved and contributing.

Live Video Streaming
Keep your message moving beyond the bounds of your meeting.

Event Photography
An excellent way to record the show, build marketing material and include attendees.

IT & Networking
We can use in-house wiring or build our own to connect registration, show offices and home offices.

Registration & Info Kiosks
Keep all of your show computers networked and running smoothly.

Phone Charging Stations
Be a hero to your attendees. Multiple charging stations will keep them on track.

Live Social Media Display
An essential way to get the latest information and feedback to your attendees.

Exhibitor A/V Support
From a single monitor to video walls and more. We install, support and remove.

We work with local resources to safely and effectively rig all required equipment.

Presentation & PowerPoint Design
Let us upgrade your presentations to HD with video, new graphics and animation.

Meeting Room Support
From CAD layout to setup and tech support, we will be there.

Training Lab
Bring all of your brain power together for training and sharing on-site.

Conference Highlight Videos
Capture the spirit and memorable moments of your event. A great reminder for attendees to bring them back.

Audio/Video Editing
Our team can create videos that combine presenetations, audio and video of any part of your event.

PowerPoint Capture & Edit
Save presentations with speaker audio for training and teaching.

Specialized Lighting
Highlight your fashion show or gala with custom gobos, spotlights and infinite color with LED lighting.

Presenter Capture & Edit
Remember that memorable presentaion by your keynote speaker? Now everyone can share.

Budgeting & Analysis
An in-depth look at your event schedule, location and goals.

Staging & Set Design
Visualization of your stage can help work out the details.

CAD Design
CAD Design for Meeting Rooms & General Sessions

3D Visualization
Visualization of your stage can help work out the details.

Union Labor Management
Our relationships and knowledge will keep your show in budget and on track.